No! Don't Shoot me Now! ͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ ͏͏͏͏͏͏ x

You started it with a Mere Hello

It's just a black rectangle.

Can you help me Understand?

There is not a blinkie, just a black box
Black and White image of a woman is visibly distressed, her heart literally breaking.
It's just a black box
It's just a black box
It's just a black box
It's just a black box

♥ Last Seen Listening to:

A Boy is a Gun* - Tyler, The Creator

♥ Latest Journal Entries:

Last updated: ������

We had a date. Well, not. really. "a date". But we spent almost all our time together. It felt comforting and nice in a way, I didn't felt a pain in my chest like some days ago while sleeping together, I didn't feel anger seeing my team, I was actually happy to see them well.
I'm going to be honest, I was with Keimin when they called them, they didn't respond and their face was... blank. I can recall few moments when he looked that way speaking to people. He helped them, and just. Worked. And worked. And Worked.
I don't want to invade their space, I'm not the one to tell others how to feel when I'm as volatile as him, we both understand how much it hurts living like this... But it did mess up with their encounters with other people. They were not hostile, just... Didn't display any type of emotions, they were there but not really, their eyes were lost and I'm pretty sure they were dissosiating.
Crocus tried to help them but they would not listen, not much can be done.
I'm with Keimin right now. They are looking at me, hey!, i know you are reading this, i worry about you.
... Yeah, that's what I though. looking the other way, classic. Stop ignoring what you feel, dumbass.
I'm not anybody's mother to tell them what to do anyways.
I'm mad as you, you know. But i'm trying to live my own life, if I don't, work will be more hellish than it already is, if they want to lie to their bosses or shit like that then that's their problem, people lie to their superiors all the time when they get a job, we can't do anything even if you are worried sick. They will not understand, they are adults with their own thoughts and if they fuck up then that's on them.
Also, my mother recently talked to me, that's funny, do you think she has something to do with this?